Give the "GO" command to start the event start stopwatch.Measure the shuttle run course of 30 feet from a baseline.Note the event start time (Should be 10:00 elapsed).Execute two trials with a 1-minute rest between trials.

This is a total of a 40-yard shuttle run. Candidate touches on or beyond the turn-around line and then sprints back across the start/finish line to complete the trial. Candidate will then sprint back to the start/finish line, touch on or beyond the start/finish line, sprinting back to the 30-foot line. His/her foot and hand must simultaneously touch the floor on or beyond the turn-around line. On the "GO" command, sprint 30 feet to the turn-around line.Begin the test with his/her entire body behind the start/finish line.

Indicator of anaerobic power, agility, and quickness. Shuttle RunThis measures the ability to move rapidly while changing directions. But, I have bolded in the USNA description what seems to be missing from 2) above, the USMA description. Two “round trips,” or 4 legs of 30 ft each, for 120 ft or 40 yds total, as I read it. Here’s the USNA description, pasted below. USMA, USNA, USAFA, USMMA all use the standard CFA. I have noted that these actual West Point instructions are different than the ones on the online application portal. If you read #2 above - that is clear that you are running 30 yards - not 40 yards as people have stated. Then candidate with then sprint back to the start/finish line, touch on or beyond the start/finish lineĪnd turn, sprinting back to the 30-foot line.ģ) Execute two trials with a 1-minute rest between trials and record the best of the two trials on the form. Their foot and hand must simultaneously touch the floor The candidate must:ġ) Begin the test with their entire body behind the start/finish line.Ģ) On the command “GO,” the candidate will sprint 30 feet to the turnaround line. The shuttle run measures the ability to move rapidly while changing directions, which is an indicator of anaerobic power, agility, and quickness. Once you click on the instructions, this is exactly what it says about the shuttle run, If the shuttle run is only 30 yards, then I would be fine.

I must be missing something as I am a very fast person. I don't even think it is possible to get times people are stating online for 40 yards. I am running the 40 yard shuttle run in about 9.8 to 10 seconds and I cannot get the time down - people are saying the average is 8.1. I am practicing for the CFA and I am above average on everything except the shuttle run. Maybe this changed recently? If it is 40 yards, I find it very difficult to believe that people are running this in the times stated online. The West Point portal instructions say 40 yards, but their website detail instructions say it is 30 yards. When looking at the shuttle run, is this also true? How far is the shuttle run? I have found differing information between 30 yards and 40 yards online. I thought that the CFA was consistent between all of the military academies. I have a question regarding the shuttle run for the CFA since I am finding different information online.